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Showing posts from January, 2013

Busy with writting everyday

everyday I use time for create topic and write some article to my blogs. I have major website in that I should to update everyday for more traffic. and I have that subdomain which that I am testing wordpress because I have ever make many blogs and website by CMS joomla. but so many people in Thailand have advice that wordpress better in SEO. Imagine is only one blog for me making by wordpress.

English lesson in Thailand

So many native English come to Thailand for many reason, and many of them like to stay long time. and many of them find a job in Thailand. Easy Job for Native English is an English teacher.

Travel in ASEAN

Travel in AEC   I have an other blog talk to you about travel in South East ASIA.  which that I often copy some article from internet. to my blog by I selected only travel in ASEAN. Becuase I live in Thailand and Thailand is a member of ASEAN to become AEC community Travel in AEC that mean I talk about some popular tourist place around the 10 contry, like Thailand,Laos,Burma,Malaysia,Vietnam, Singpore,Indonesia,Phillipine,Brunie,Timor Yesterday I post some blog about Con Dao beach of Vietnam, you can see some picture from that page. This year 2013 The travel magazine,Lonely Planet have a list of misterious island of the world.

serious situation in office

Got some serious situation at office. Today I founded some misstake of workmate. but I said that we should to report boss together. But she dont't need to somebody know about that she thought that it will become a big fish. I don't know how to do and don't said more but I will try to explain to her that if you don't report to boss. What will happent after that? I am not sure. after I got out the room for luch somebody tell me that she was crying. It make me feel very guilty. .......... She not speak to me.  she so cute. I want to speak to her but I don't know how to speak. Now I will don't speak anything.

walk slow to the Goal

This is monday a busy day again for my jobs. every time when I was sitting in my chair at office I thought how I can out this job and become the rich and have some easy job but can make so much money. I hope to become millinare by over night.  I hope to only playing computer but have income from it. from that longing it make many people stupid until was cheat by scammers criminals. I have that hope but I don't greedy. So that I dont' use any money for make a short way. but I dedicate the power and capability to make the way step by step. Sometime it so much difficutlt and sometime I see that the destintion is so far. Sometime I hesitate to the target. But I chart my power by have some a little relax and walk to the target again. many time I suspend a walking for review my way to the target. but I  was not stopped so long. I am continue walking to my goal.

The ordination Ceremony

I am not fortget to write my diary but  I have so many task to do at outside. In the morning yester day I go to Ampore Nakonluang (NKL), Ayuttaya province, Thailand. that for my job,by my boss command. I working at NKL unti 2 pm and I speed to comeback Samutprakarn,my office and my home there. it used 1 and half hours I send some friend at office and drive to  customer,my own job. I come back to Ayuttaya again. ....... yesterday I attend to the ordination ceremony. The ordination,to be come new monk,that have 2 day. but I joined only ones. please allow me  to  explain about the Thailand ordination. in the first day we have the feast that congratulation for young man,now we call him Nak, to be the obtained a buddhist monk. in the night time we have some party.( have some show too.) early morning second day we have a parade from the house of NAK,a young man who to be the obtained a monk. after the parade come to the temple we have to parade...

I am not newbie twitter

I am not newbie twitter. I have used it since 2009 until now. but I have a little tweet. so many my tweet is about share some link, usual link from my websites. and some copy good phrase from another. I am never to talk to another member twitter even they send some direct message to me. I have more following but so a little in follower. Becuase I was interested to develope website and seo compettions so that I try to learn about it. today I just learn about hasttag and about the advance search of it amazing  twitter Many time I stay in front of computer on my desk at office but i have some time skim some interesting information but not enough time for read all that. so I have the idea by tweet it and uses some hastage for group that information after that when i have the time for reading I goto my tweeter and put keyword in search box. like this #rohingya from:Thongmarine #seotip from:thongmarine

Tip SEO with Calendar

Today I have some idea about the international day , not sure what call about the memorial day. Every country have different day for reminiscent to something or some people. same as United Nation have notice about International day for every member should to be have some active to make people aware of the important of that days. In Thailand in aditional to those important day, we also have our own day. SEO Tip Webmaster who want to success in SEO compettition, know that content is kings. so that everyday every webmaster in field try to create best content everyday. and So many people choose some internation day or even local important day become a topic for them article. Me also try to make some topic from Below international day. 27 January International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust A/RES/60/7 Top February 4 February World Cancer Day [WHO] — 6 ...

Sexy pic and Traffic

I am a webmaster who have a hope to become a rich online market. so that I used everynignt after finish my job to make some content. I am not affiliater. I am working only on PPC,like google adsense. Thailand have many PPC Servicer. I ever ban from Adsense  due to I have some pic that show girl on the bikini in the beach. so that  I feel paint becuase some picture of sexy girl only sexy not porn. It can easy making more traffic for website. Sexy Gallery I have the idea to upload the sexy girls pictures to  website like Picasaweb. And I can take on gallery to my website. I have idea so different from another webmaster in Thailand. copyrigh of picture But I don't sure that if I correct  the picture from internet and take to my website what will can accure after that. Why am I interesting in sexy image?   I have test many time by set some subdomain and post piture galllery of sexy girl my traffic easy growing everyday.

Respect The teacher

On 16 Januaray everyyear in Thailand is a holiday for school. My sons will not go to school. Becuase it is a teacher day. it implies that we all need to memorial to teacher. I wish to know about the around the world. How to show respect in nations. from the ancestor of Thailand teach the child that should to be respect ant estemm older and they Should to obey the parents ,the monks and the teacher. If you learn about history of Thailand you will acknowleged that Thailand have just begin the schooll 150 year ago Before the first school, The monk in the temple teach the boy. only boy can learn about the language the  girl from the aristocracy can learn cooking ,handwork and become the service in the royal. because Thailand respect the teacher so that tomorrow all schooll close. I beleive that on the teacher day  they have ceremornial memorial to many teacher died in the south of Thailand good by thank for read

Tour outskirt Bangkok

I am a salary man which have a little money per day. so that I do not often have the oppurtinity to hang out. If I had I prefer to visit outskirt of Bankok because not far from my house I can save traveling expeses. Today I want to show your about the floating market amidst greenery. Amphawa is in Samutsakorn Province, South of Bangkok. somebody tell me that if you want to know about the local village you should to take around the market. Amphawa floating market have many beautifull handmade, many kind of food. and delecious local resturant that you should to test it. so many traveler have advice to visit this area if you have to know about the original culture of thailand. the market have wide space area with that full of many shops and services. about the service I advice you to try thailand massage.

Make money online

I am the ones among billion people which have a dream. that dream about become millionaire make money online. I have many website in Thai Launguage which that have affilliate program and have adsense in them. but in this diary I don't hope to make money from it. I unbelieve in this, can take some income for me. My Diary becuase this is only my diary in English which many mistake word, many wrong grammar. but I want to used to be a stage to practice and develope my English. I well acknowledge that when somebody come and read my diary they will don't understand in my English. and confuse about my article more reason that I am only amateur in writting and only Basic English skill>> From above reason I can't hope income or traffic from this blogs. But I need to write this blog everyday for step up to my goal. I hope to become an advance English skill> That I can read and watch many data source from internet that I can used which my website....

this is the end

"This is the end" that sentence is wildly spoken. first I hear from song of " skyfall "   007 lastest version. second I can saw from coming soon movie,comedie movie. that tell the story about friendship after devaster of the world. in skyfall I don't clear about song of Adele but i love her sound. I watched skyfall and acknowledge that skyfall is mean the old house of skyfall, I never to know about this. first time  i assume that means something falling from the sky. so that I assume that 007 now speaking something about the end of the world. because last year have wildly speaking about its. but finally the wolrd still on. and the imagine about the end of the world still more. the fantasy of the last day  persist

New words everyday

That now you knows I am a not good in English but I want to practice it from many methode to become the advance English user. so that in this year I got new resolution to improve english by practice it everyday. The writing is the ones.  and when I was writing I will found some trouble. instance  I don't have any idea to make some issue or some article. so that I don't know what i should to write or post in to My Diary. Second problem I don't know some word and many of word that I use to know I unable to recognize them. in my title today that "New words everyday." What 's it mean? I annocement to myself that everyday when I writing I should to have some title for control my article, it should to have the main idea. today I try to tell myself that should to practice use new word or some difficult word everyday. today I used many word that I don't normal used. goodby

Happy New Year 2013

Long time I never come back to this blogs. and Long time I never to practice writing English. In the New year time many people have a resolution. me too. every new year time coming I will have a resolution. but many year I had many resolution. sure that many of them I never completed. In this year  2013 my resolution only one. I have firmly determined to only one resolution. I want to good in english. I will practice english everyday. I will listen English lesson from Youtube, 15 min per day I will read English new from VOA or some easy article, 1 article per day I will write English in my diary blog everyday. only speaking I am not plan to practice in this time maybe later.