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Showing posts from October, 2012

Plan Your Tour To The City During Jerusalem Day

Jerusalem Day is celebrated as a National holiday in the whole country of Israel and during the forthcoming 2013, this day is planned to be celebrated on the 8th of May, while in the current year 2012, it was celebrated on the 20th of May. Every year, the day is celebrated during the month of May or June and it is meant for remembering the day of reunification of the city and the introduction of Israeli control over the Old city belonging to Jerusalem in the year 1967 on the month of June. It is also announced as the minor spiritual holiday for thanking god for the success in the six-day war and also for answering the two thousand year prayer of ‘next year in the city'.  A number of lectures are usually organized on this day every year for enabling the people to understand about the city and not only people belonging to the city, but many tourists from other countries are also participating in these lectures for learning about the city.  Many special television programs a