for the idea of writing in English for practice my English skill. now I know that I need to talk to many industries because of every industry have a special word for them and for the situation but the problem is how I can talk in that situation which I don't know more information. so when I tried to write some topic about finance that I can tell you more if I talk in Thai language but not possible in English. but for upgrade my English skill I will think about how to write in that situation or in special industries. for my answer this, I thought about making a conversation when I don't know more I should ask and learn about it. maybe I start with a special question. I would like to describ more about industries in my meaning not only factory. it can be a group of some people such as people working in a bank, finance or stock market. we can be grouping them into Finance group. and people that talk about sport working with a sports company. for me, I ...
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