For today I got topic from the internet to be my idea for writing something that I thought that I can explain as many as I can. I will try by search some group of question that I can answer it.
Proverb :
You may lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.
1. Do you consider yourself to be an adventurous person?
2. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
3. Would you say that learning English is a kind of adventure?
4. Could you say that life is a kind of adventure?
5. Do you like to watch adventure movie
Today I started with an adventure. when I was a child I hope to travel around the world but it was not impossible for me to do that because of my poor family and I don't know more how to get a job that supports my dream. I mean some people joined with charities organization that need some volunteer to work aboard and with that time I can not speak English.
When I was as a child I got a dream about adventure in the forest. I was inspired by book about the hunter treasure in the forest and some movies of Indiana Jone, Archaeologist.
for the Q1 about my self when I was older I know that I am not an adventurous person. I don't dare I fear the dangerous situation that easies make me stressful. I am a workaholic. I worried in my thing in my life.
for Q2. Even that I don't dare to do it but I still got many opportunities to adventure in my life. I had been trip to scuba diving in Samui, The south of Thailand. I have been to drive motorcycle, very small one, from Samutprakarn to Prajuab Province that got distance around 200 Km. I drive more than 5 hours. when you read my experience maybe you think that very simple if compare with you. Alright, I don't dare to dispute with you for this.
Q3 learning English is a kind of adventure? I don't know what you mean I only learn from textbooks and online school I don't have to go outside so that I don't get any opportunity adventure.
Perhaps, you mean about to learn new something that is an adventure I accepted about that when you learn something new you will feel like as you adventure on something.
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