17 MY TRAVEL TO ABROAD #3 this was substituted for day 21/02/2018. You will notice that I had tried to substituted my miss day that I lazied to writing. because I have a plan to write every day by not skip it. I would like to prove my comitment to do this so that I tried to replace every day when I forgot to write. I have been started my project since February 7,2018 so I will completed its within 7/2/2019 in the next years. it was so hard to do this but I will fight 1. Let Me introduce myself Let com back to my topic I was talking about my travel abroad. Trip No.3 I is recently trip in early this year I had a trip to Singapore by myself and my wife only 2 person. this year the cost of travel is much cheaper. so I can afford to go abroad by myself no need to wait promotion from my company. I used application in my telephone for checked the price of flight and booked hotel. Eventually, the time for travel arrived on friday 19/2/2018 m...
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